12 Ekim 2022, 09:42 added on



İn Turkey A turkish citizen and a foreigner or two foreigners from different nationalities can only marry in the presence of the responsiple marriage officer.

Foreign citizens from same country,they can get married both at the Turkish representation of the relevant state and in the presence of Turkish authorities,if their own national law has authorized it .

İf the marriage application made by foreigners accepted by the Turkish marriage officer, marriage procedures applied to Turkish citizens are applied to the relevant applicants.


Marriage officer ,who has received the form ,declaration and other documents for marriage,

will control whether the marriage application dully filled and signed ,marriage license certificate has been requested, this document and the identity card / T.C. checks whether there is a difference between the identity card,if there is a difference whether this difference is sufficient to cause an error related to the person, or if there is the consent of the parent, father or guardian or the permission of the court in the case where is age-related consent,if any,complete the defiencies and obtain the identity card or T.C card from applicants and check the identites.

And registering the application ,notifies the applicants about the day and time of the contract accordance with the order of application.

It is not necessary to announce the decision of marriage in order to make a marriage contract.

Documents for Marriage Application

The following documents are included in the marriage file:

*Banns of marriage organized as two examples

*Health report  or offical health report obtained from official or private health institution and organization

*Certificate of consent

*Passport Photograph taken in a civilian clothes from front ,taken within last six months

*Identity registration document and marriage license certificate.


Documents required from Turkish Citizens

1)İdentity Card of the Republic Turkey

(The last change for marital status must be processed)

2)5 pieces of passport photograph

3)Health report from Family Health Physician (Reports from private hospitals must be approved by the family health doctor)

Documents required for foreign citizens

1)Notarized copy of passport translated into Turkish language

(Applications of those whose passport, visa and residence period have expired will not be accepted)

2)5 pieces of passport photograph

3)Health report from Family Health Physician (Reports from private hospitals must be approved by the family health doctor)

4)Photocopy of residence permit documents of those residing in Turkey

5)Certificate of Celibacy or Birth Certificate (Can be obtained from a foreign country or from the foreign representative of his/her country in Turkey)

(There are some conditions:

Men and women who have completed the age of eighteen and have not been placed under guardianship by the court have the right to marry without the consent or consent of another person.


A man or woman who has completed the age of seventeen can marry with the permission of the guardian or, if there is no guardian, with the permission of the guardian or guardianship authority.


Men and women over the age of sixteen can marry with the permission of the judge.

After hearing the legal representative who does not allow marriage without a just cause, the judge may allow the minor and restricted person to marry in this regard.


However; Those who do not have the power to distinguish and minors who have completed the age of fifteen cannot marry even if they are made adult by the court.)




İf the documents taken from Consulate of their country in Turkey ,after documents approved by the District Governor's Registry, its notarized Turkish translation will be made.If it is taken from the Embassy of their country in Ankara, they must be approved by our Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


If the documents are brought from their own country; After it has been approved by the Turkish Embassy in that country, its notarized Turkish translation should be made in Turkey.


If the documents have been received as Apostille (International Stamp); It is sufficient only to have a notarized Turkish translation in Turkey.


If the documents are issued in multiple languages, including Turkish; Documents are accepted and processed directly without any process for certification.


Those whose marriage depends on the consent of their mother, father or guardian due to their underage or being under internment, must include a document showing their consent to the marriage declaration at the time of application.In case the consent documents are brought as signed, it is obligatory that these signatures belong to those persons and have been certified by the competent authorities.

Consent documents can also be signed by the parents or guardians in the presence of the marriage officer. In this case, the signature confirmation is made by the marriage officer.

 In case of death of one of the parents, the signature of the surviving party or in case of divorce, the custody is sufficient.

 If the consent document is signed by the guardian, the court decision on the appointment of the guardian is requested and added to the file.

If the woman to be married is a widow, the date of her husband's death will be written, and if she is divorced, the date of divorce will be written.

Divorced or widowed woman will bring a Birth Certificate stating her maiden name.

There should be a statement in the certificates of celibacy stating that there is no objection to the marriage of the person.

Marriage application legal validity period is 6 months(180 days)


Both parties to be married can apply for marriage by applying to the municipality where one of the parties resides, either in person or through their attorney.

Legal rights of the spouse after marriage


The implementation of the regime of participation in property acquired between spouses is essential

Spouses can also accept one of the "Property Separation Regime", "Shared Property Separation Regime" and "Property Partnership Regime" determined in the law with the property regime agreement.

The property regime contract

The property regime contract can be made before or after marriage.

The parties can choose or remove and change the property regime only within the limits written in the law.

The property regime contract of the parties is made in the form of issuance or approval at the notary public.

They can also inform in writing which property regime they have chosen during the marriage application.

Property regime  contract must also be signed by legal representatives when necessary.

Marriage officers do not have to invite the woman and man to be married to declare the property regime they have chosen.

The fact that those who will marry do not notify their choice regarding the property regime does not prevent the marriage process.

Marriage officers may accept their choices in this direction if they have chosen one of the elective regimes instead of the legal property regime.

Marriage officers cannot accept agreements different from the regulations in the law in the elective regime, despite the regulations in the law regarding the legal property regime of the persons to be married or choosing one of the elective regimes. Those who are going to get married can only go to the notary on these matters


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