04 Eylül 2023, 14:48 added on



Legend of Shahmeran (Tarsus, Mersin)
Shahmeran(Queen of Snakes) was a fantastic creature whose upper body is a beautiful woman and the lower part is a snake.
According to legend thousands of wise and intelligent snake live peaceful life in the undergrounds tunnels of Tarsus under the rule of their queen Shahmeran.
But one day a young man from Tarsus get lost in the caverns inhabited by snakes while searching for honey.
As time passes, Jamshab gains the trust of the snakes and Shahmeran and begins to live in the lush gardens built by this wise community.
Until years later he wants to return home because he misses his family.
However, Shahmeran, the queen of snakes, will send Jamshab home on one condition: If Jamsab promises Shahmeran that he will not tell anyone about their home.
However, things do not go as expected for Shahmeran. Because when Jamsab goes outside, he hears that the king is sick and will only recover if he eats Shahmeran's flesh and, tempted by the promised reward, he tells the vizier where Shahmeran is. Shahmeran, who had suffered the greatest betrayal of all from the person he trusted and shared his homeland with, was killed and Jamsab became the king's right-hand man. According to the legend, it is also believed that Shahmeran's snakes do not yet know that their queen has been killed and that they will invade Tarsus for revenge as soon as they learn of this plot.
Tears of Daphne(Antakya,Hatay)
According to legend Zeus son Appolon when wandering along the river he saw a beatiful nymph called Daphne across the river and he fell in love with her as soon as seen her.
But water nymph Daphne has promised herself not to lose her heart to a god and starts to run away from Apollo.
But Appolon didnt wont leave Daphne alone.
At that very moment, Daphne pleads to mother nature with the words “O mother earth, cover me, hide me, protect me”.
This candid pray upon it, the water nymph feels that her organs are becoming heavy and woody. A gray bark covers her chest, her fragrant hair turns into leaves, her arms grow into branches, her blunt feet become roots and dive deep into the soil, and this beautiful water nymph turns into a laurel tree. Surprised by this sight, Apollo watches Daphne become a tree with amazement and sadness. And then he hugs and hears the sound of his heart, which is still beating under the hard shells, and he calls out:

''Daphne frow now on you will be sacred tree for Apollo.Your leaves, which do not fade and do not fall, will be the wreath of my head. Dear heroes, those who have achieved victory in wars will always decorate their foreheads with your leaves. In songs, in poems, our name will be next to each other"

Ayn-ı Zeliha(Şanlıurfa)
One day, the pagan King Nemrut had a very bad dream. When he interprets his dream to the fortunetellers, he learns that he will be killed by a boy who will be born in the year he is found. The king, who is in a great fear, does not know what to do, and he wants all the boys born that year to be killed.
Nemrut's soldiers obey the order and start slaughtering both swaddled babies and women whose birth is imminent. But Azer, one of Nemrut's soldiers, will also give birth to his wife soon. Upon this incident, he hides his wife in a cave. This woman named Nuna Hatun gives birth in a cave and leaves her child there out of fear of Nemrut. Although he returns home alone, he can't stand the longing of the baby and comes back again.
When he comes to the cave, he not only sees that the baby is alive but also witnesses a gazelle feeding the baby. This baby is Abraham and he has clung to life in the cave where he was found, albeit with difficulty. Ibrahim watches his people from afar and witnesses how oppressed they are under the oppression of Nimrod. He then returns to his father's house and begins to be accepted among the people. Although he tried to explain that idol worship was wrong, the people were once intimidated by Nimrod. On the other hand, Nimrod's daughter Zeliha has fallen in love with Abraham.
One day Abraham enters the palace and breaks all the idols one by one. He puts the axe on the biggest idol. Hearing about this incident, Nimrod gets very angry and when he comes to the palace, he finds the axe on the idol. He angrily tries to explain to those around him how an immobile idol could have caused all this. Upon this incident, Abraham asks Nimrod how even one idol can protect them when it cannot protect the other idols they consider sacred. Unable to overcome his anger, Nimrod orders Abraham to be burned.
All the wood in the city is collected and Abraham plans to throw it into the fire with catapults from the bastions of the castle. But just as Abraham is about to be thrown into the fire, the fire turns into water and all the wood turns into fish. Abraham falls not into the fire but into a rose garden that appears next to it. Zeliha, the daughter of Nimrod, jumps into the fire right after. According to legend, where Zeliha fell, today's Balıklı Lake was formed from her tears.

Pamukkale Legend(Pamukkale,Denizli)
According to legend there was a family living around Çökelez Mountain and making a living as a poor lumberjack.The daughter of the family was quite ugly.
Mothers with single sons would always change their ways when they saw her. She never cared about his poverty, but her heart was broken because of her ugliness and she threw himself down from the slopes of Çökelez Mountain.
From there he fell into a pool full of water and sediment. She remained unconscious in this water for a long time. Then the water in which she lay unconscious rewarded the young girl with beauty. The son of the Bey of Denizli, who was passing by, saw this young girl lying in blood and took her on his horse and took her home. When the girl recovered, they married this man who saved her. Since that day, women have visited Pamukkale Hot Springs to be beautiful.

Bride Cliff(Gelin Kayası,Giresun)
According to a legend there was a rich landlord.
But the landlord's daughter is more famous than her father. Because the Landlord's daughter is beautiful, reminiscent of an angel. Her beauty is legendary. Anyone who sees her immediately falls in love. Many people who wanted to have this beauty would knock on the door of the Landlord and ask for a bridegroom. But the girl did not have a rich man in her eyes.

She would turn them all away. Her father also loved his daughter very much and did not put pressure on her. As it turned out, the girl fell in love with one of her father's shepherds.

The girl sent news to the shepherd and they met secretly from her father. They continued to meet for a while. One day her father found out about it. He locked his daughter in the top room of the mansion. He could not come to mercy.

One day when the girl's eyes were red from crying, she saw a rope on the roof of the room.
She makes her bed as if she is sleeping and goes down with the rope.

She goes to where the shepherd is staying and finds him.
The meeting between the Landlord's daughter and the shepherd continues like this for a while. This time the shepherd is beaten. The shepherd is beaten and beaten every day and then released.

The Landlord, who does not want to give his daughter to the shepherd, wants to give her to the first seer who comes.
He says yes to the first one who comes.

Wedding preparations begin. The wedding day comes. They come to take the girl. The Landlord is very happy to give his daughter to a rich man.
But the girl is not happy. That's why the girl doesn't take her father's blessing. She doesn't even look at her father's face.

When the wedding procession arrives at the crooked waist, the agha gets angry and curses his daughter.
With teary eyes, my daughter be stone! He says.

The girl and the bride with her become stones.
From that day on, this stone is called Bride stone


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